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extreme sports 【體育】極限運動〔難度極大且具有危險性的運動〕。


And he found that missing piece in a personal relationship with jesus . after realizing how powerful this new found relationship was , stephen wanted to share the message of faith to teens and adults around the world . it was at this point that stephen took to the streets to create a dvd documentary entitled , livin it . it is a cutting edge documentary on the world of christian extreme sports athletes 但多少人知道,史提芬巴云是基督的傳話人,幾年前,就是他在荷里活成名后多年,他知道他的人生有所缺欠,于是,他在跟耶穌的關系里找到了那缺少的部份當他認識到這關系的大能,他就想跟世界各地的人分享這信仰,這時候,他制作了一輯紀錄片,名為活出來,是關于基督徒運動員的特輯。

A number of these projects have influenced the development of the extreme sports milieu . a selection of these influential events includes : the eddie aikau big wave invitational series at waimea bay ; the ground - breaking 1995 quiksilver pro at g - land , indonesia , that put hardcore credibility back into professional surfing events the best surfers in the best waves ; the world amateur surfing championships at newquay england , 1986 ; the quiksilver snowboarding and surfing cup in europe ; the quiksilver roxy pro at sunset beach , north shore , oahu ; the quiksilver winter classic surf snow event ; the quiksilver mavericks big wave event ; the roxy surf jam at hanalei and ventura , the quiksilveredition molokai to oahu paddleboard race 這些具有影響力的活動包括:在waimea灣舉行的eddie aikau big wave邀請賽系列1995年在印度尼西亞g - land舉行的極具震撼性的quiksilver職業賽,它將艱難的比賽環境重新置于職業沖浪活動中在最好的浪上誕生最好的沖浪手1986年在英格蘭newquay舉行的世界業余沖浪錦標賽歐洲的quiksilver滑雪和沖浪杯賽在瓦胡島北岸的日落沙灘舉行的quiksilver roxy職業賽quiksilver冬季古典沖浪滑雪活動quiksilver mavericks big wave比賽在哈納雷hanalei和文托拉ventura進行的roxy surf jam莫洛凱到瓦胡島的quiksilveredition槳葉式沖浪比賽。

Two high - school students , peco and smile , completely opposite types , with their disruptions , their glories and their solitude in a world of extreme sport , where small plastic balls travel in a 274cm x 152 . 5cm court at 140 kilometer per hour : ping - pong 阿扁和笑爺。每次對壘,總是阿扁占上風。從中國來到日本留學的中國仔-孔文革,一開始便發現笑爺的超卓削球片瀨高校乒乓球隊的顧問小泉,也注意到笑爺的才華,而非阿扁。

The hong kong mx club has a large international membership and welcomes riders of all ages and abilities , motocross is an extreme sport and the club aims to provide both a safe and challenging environment to suit different riders and their vehicles ,創辦于1996年3月10日,開辦目標系將越野電單車優點和技術在本地全力推廣,讓更多人仕了解和取得更專業越野駕駛技術, 。

Extreme sport emphasizes participation and the spirits of courage , which need to take the risk of life or being injured and can give one the extreme sense of cheefulness and success 極限運動強調參與和勇敢精神,它需要冒受傷甚至死亡的危險,能夠給予人在跨越心理承受極限時獲得極大的愉悅感和成就感。

Scorpio ( oct . 24 - nov . 22 ) the cunning and resilient scorpio enjoys sports that test their mettle and require strategy and endurance . investigate extreme sports , marathon running or chess 狡猾、彈性好的蝎子喜歡極限運動、馬拉松賽跑、國際象棋等能考驗其勇氣且要求策略和耐力的運動。

But a chance adventure with an adventure - craving childhood friend named polly , shoots him into a whirlwind of extreme sports , spicy foods , ferrets , salsa dancing and living in the moment 魯賓心想,這個他從中一便認識的純真可人兒,正是最有保障的婚姻對象,遂馬上進行追女行動。

Helena douglas , played by sarah carter , is an extreme sports athlete whose tragic past binds her to the remote palace in southeast asia where the dead or alive tourament takes places 四人起初互不相干各懷鬼胎,除了希望得到一千萬元獎金外,更暗中在島上找尋自己的秘密目標。

The cunning and resilient scorpio enjoys sports that test their mettle and require strategy and endurance . investigate extreme sports , marathon running or chess 狡猾、彈性好的蝎子喜歡極限運動、馬拉松賽跑、國際象棋等能考驗其勇氣且要求策略和耐力的運動。

What are extreme sports ? extreme means “ pushing the limits . ” extreme sports usually involve great speed , height , and danger ; they are absolutely exciting 什麼是極限運動?極限就是推到極點。極限運動通常具有極高的速度、高度及危險;它們絕對刺激!

Elsewhere , a team of extreme sports enthusiasts from the northwestern coastal town of severomorsk planted a tree on the bed of the northern ocean 與此同時,還有一支由來自西北海邊小鎮北莫爾斯克的體育狂熱愛好者組成的隊伍在北部的海床上種下了一棵樹。

Extreme sport aficionados say there ' s nothing quite like a 1 , 300 - pound beast pointing his deadly horns at you with no one there to bail you out 極限運動狂熱愛好者說,沒有什么能像這樣了? ?一頭1300磅的巨獸將致命的雙角刺向你,而沒有人能保護你。

However , queenstown is new zealand ' s self - proclaimed extreme sports capital , where you can try bungee jumping , sky diving , whitewater rafting and skiing 然而,皇后鎮是新西蘭自稱的極端運動之都,在那里你可以嘗試蹦極,跳傘,沖浪或是滑雪。

Nowadays more and more youth like me are joining the rank of risk - takers who devote their leisure hours to extreme sports 現在越來越多的像我這樣年輕人加入到進行極限運動的隊伍中來,利用業余時間熱衷于冒險的體育活動。

Q : as we know , you love extreme sports like kite - surfing and bmx racing , in which you even have your own team 問:正如我們所知,你喜歡極限運動,例如滑翔翼和自行車越野賽,在這些運動中,你甚至還擁有自己的團隊。

As we know , you love extreme sports like kite - surfing and bmx racing , in which you even have your own team 問:正如我們所知,你喜歡極限運動,例如滑翔翼和自行車越野賽,在這些運動中,你甚至還擁有自己的團隊。

Kites also are being used by snow skiers and snowboarders to generate more speed and create entirely new extreme sports 雪橇和雪板滑雪者也利用風箏來制造更快的速度,創造出一種全新的極限運動。

You ' ve seen our displays at everything from pga tour tournaments and extreme sports to auto racing 你看到了我們從針網陣列的在一切的顯示游覽比賽和極端運動到汽車跑。

In his film , lin uses elements from street culture , such as graffiti , hip - hop , and extreme sports 林育賢在片中結合街頭文化的元素,例如涂鴉、嘻哈、極限運動等等。